So we tested our product & here are the results…

Four test groups were used (min 25 people) between 18 – 50 years old, both genders*, over a 12 week period & participants trained 2-4 x’s per week.

They each got a combination of two types of classes,on offer at 360, and a gym program, available to all members, to follow by Chris Walsh.

DROP Program

Measurement: Weight

Types of classes: CardioBlast & BoxFit

Program by Chris Walsh: 10kg Weight-Loss

The average weight: 92.2kg

RESULT: – 7.2kg

LEAN Program

Measurement: BodyFat

Types of classes: CardioBlast & Kettlebells

Program by Chris Walsh: Beginner

The average body fat: 29.7%

RESULT: – 5.8%

GIRL Program

Measurement: cm’s on four sites

Program by Chris Walsh: Beginner

Average waist: 83.6cm

Average chest: 94.4cm

Average arm: 29.5cm

Average thigh: 59.1cm

RESULT: – 6cm overall

Waist: -2cm

Chest: -1.5cm

Arm: -1cm

Thigh: -1.5cm

STRONG Program

Measurement: 5 Functional exercises

Types of classes: Kettlebells & Warrior Workout

Program by Chris Walsh: Intermediate

Average 1 Rep max Turkish Get Up: 11.5kg

Average reps 2KB Clean & Press in a minute: 13.5 x 10.5kgs (Total 21kg)

Average 1 Rep max Deadlift: 70kg

Average 5 Rep max Bench Press: 40kg

Average Rope climbs (5m) in a min: 1.5

RESULT: 34% increase in strength

TGU: +39%

KB clean & press: +71%

Deadlifts: +21%

Bench Press: +15%

Rope climbs: +25%

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this into a highly enjoyable and rewarding exercise. Having guaranteed results for those pursuing fitness regimes with us brings confidence and integrity to the product.