Guys & girls, it’s time to own those yoga pants & boardies, bust out a sweat and become a metabolic machine. You’ll be gasping for air, your muscles will be on fire, your mind will be looking for every excuse to halt, however you will persevere, quitting isn’t an option and will never be again. The results far outweigh the pain and when this sadistic feeling becomes pleasure, the only thing you’ll be looking back on, is your indestructible, fine-tuned, banging body in the mirror!

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), is short bouts of anaerobic (oxygen independent) exercise followed by a recovery period and repeated. The speed of the movement and controlling of momentum requires strength. Strength will be linked to lean muscle which will leave you looking toned and bulletproof, it will also make you more efficient and allow you to get more out of your HIIT sessions.

Also, the metabolic state caused by the lactic acid build up requires aerobic metabolism to regulate it, especially during recovery periods. So this way your cardio will be built in and your elevated heart rate in the session will scorch fat.

The body’s repair cycle after huge exertion means that you will be burning calories for the next 24 hours after session. And if that isn’t enough, HIIT also stimulates the production of human growth hormone which will decrease the ageing process and leave you with a youthful glow.

So call off the search party for the perfect combination of workout welfare as HIIT is your solution to total body success!

Other Benefits of HIIT

1) No equipment necessary

You can do body-weight sequences or sprints as the emphasis is more about getting your heart rate up and working at 100%.

2) Convenient

Sessions can be done in 30mins and due to their nature, don’t require you to go to a gym.

3) Increased lean muscle

Muscle oxidises fat, so you’ll be burning more calories at rest, not a bad byproduct.

4) More likely to make it routine

Due to their vigorous nature, sessions are more fun and the endorphin overload will leave you craving more.