With gyms able to trade in the new level 3 regulations, as stipulated by government, we are open & training again in 2021.
Due to the severity of the spread of the Corona virus we are placing as much emphasis as possible on creating a safe environment, even if it’s to the determent of our own style of training in places.
There will be strict rules applied, which must be adhered to…
- Check in & temperature check at door
- Anyone feeling slightly ill, must not enter the gym
- On the spot sanitisation of equipment
- Wearing of masks will be compulsory upon entry of gym & during the entirety of class
Further measures to assist with safety…
- All windows left open for airflow & ventilation
- Running at roughly 60% of class capacity (24 people in 300m2)
- Own cloth & 12 equipment sanitiser sprays supplied
- Format of classes changed to limit sharing of equipment & provide more personal space
- Only 1 class per member to be done daily
We understand these are really difficult & testing times, and would appreciate if you work with us, to provide the safest possible gym experience, so that we can continue to stay fit & healthy.
Please note that there might be slight a reduction in the intensity of the training, this will be purposely done to make sure your immune system is at its strongest and if you do catch anything, that your body will be at its best to fight it.